Computer Games Design - SCQF Level 6

Focus on the technical and creative skills desired by employers in the computer games industry and in the wider creative digital media, Esports and


North East Scotland College, Scotland
(For price, check with provider)

This course is available on the North East Scotland College website.


Why take this course?

This course focuses on the technical and creative skills desired by employers, in the computer games industry and in the wider creative digital media and software development sectors. Students will work together to effectively contribute to an Esports organisation, content creation as well as organising an Esports tournament.  The award includes the softer skills regarded as important in the computer games industry including communication, team working and an understanding of the role of enterprise.

What you will experience

  • You will be learning about computer games
  • You will be participating in the growing industry of Esports
  • You will develop media assets (audio, video, photographs, 2D and 3D images)
  • Investigating gameplay
  • Games design and development

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