SCQF Level 6 Engineering Systems NC

There are many exciting opportunities in Engineering Technology industries, both locally in the Highlands and Islands as well as nationally and internationally.


Inverness College, Inverness
(For price, check with provider)

This course is available on the Inverness College website.


There are many exciting opportunities in Engineering Technology industries, both locally in the Highlands and Islands as well as nationally and internationally. Engineering employers are looking for employees who have, as well as the important employability skills, a wide knowledge and understanding of engineering as well as the ability to become specialists. 

This programme, Engineering Systems NC, is offered in specific response to industry’s request. It will help you develop your skills gained to date, whether in school, college or elsewhere, in Electrical, Mechanical and Systems (i.e. how it is all connected together to manufacture a product) Engineering. This is relevant to most engineering industries, including: Renewables, Oil and Gas, All Manufacturing.


Four National 5s, two at A or B (one of which must be Maths) and two at A - D
satisfactory attainment of a relevant SCQF Level 5 course in a related subject (which included maths content at SCQF Level 5)

About Inverness College

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We offer the complete learner journey, available to you at any stage of your training and development - from courses for senior phase school pupils to further education, apprenticeships, short courses, undergraduate higher education and growing postgraduate and research activity.

Whether you're leaving school, looking to upskill or retrain, we provide choice and flexibility, including part-time and online learning options, so you can create your own unique learning journey. You can:

  • Choose from a range of college and university level programmes;
  • Get credit for your prior learning and experience;
  • Enter at a level which suits your abilities;
  • Progress though SCQF levels from one programme to the next;
  • And exit with a qualification when the time is right for you.

And with personalised support throughout your studies, we're here to help you succeed in whatever you want to achieve.

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