Healthcare - SCQF Level 5

This course is designed for those who have always wanted a career in healthcare.


North East Scotland College, Scotland
(For price, check with provider)

This course is available on the North East Scotland College website.


Why take this course?

The Healthcare route provides students with a firm understanding of the expectations and values involved in care roles but has a slight bias towards subjects that lead towards nursing.

You will be introduced to a variety of care professions across statutory, voluntary and private settings, and the course will enable you to better understand the complexities of delivering effective care to a variety of service users.

What you will experience

  • Mental health
  • Introduction to Biology
  • Practical Employability Skills – healthcare
  • Prevention of Infection
  • National 5 Care
  • Sociology and psychology
  • Essential skills in communication

About North East Scotland College

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North East Scotland College is the single largest provider of vocational education and training in the North East of Scotland.

We have a course to suit everyone; whether you’re fresh out of school, currently working, returning to education or simply want to try something new – whatever your educational or occupational background, an opportunity awaits at NESCol.

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