HNC Fine Art: Painting and Printmaking

The HNC Fine Art: Painting and Printmaking course at Glasgow Clyde College has been designed to develop your skills in fine art painting and printing.


Glasgow Clyde College, Glasgow
(For price, check with provider)

This course is available on the Glasgow Clyde College website.


What will I learn?

This course focuses on three key areas drawing, painting and printmaking. You'll be working from creative briefs which will stimulate and help you to develop your art practice in both traditional and non-conventional ways. Approaches to generating work will come through experimentation, research, and studio/location-based work. Contextual studies will help you to gain valuable understanding of the various art practices that have been fundamental in Modern and Contemporary Art.

Teaching is delivered through studio practice, group critiques, demonstrations, and gallery visits. Professional artists and experienced lecturers will provide you with the expertise and facilities to help you reach your full potential in this course.

Your final graded unit project will allow you to focus on your preferred working medium, as well as teach you to become an independent learner.

Key elements of the HNC Fine Art: Painting and Printmaking course are:

  • Drawing - Observational, developmental and sketchbook work, including life drawing
  • Exploratory 2d painting
  • Printmaking - Screen-printing, dry point etching, mono and relief printing (wood and lino)
  • Project work
  • Portfolio preparation and exhibition
  • Art theory and context, including gallery visits and artist talks
  • Graded Unit - self-directed project.

In addition, there will be an opportunity to undertake a short course with Glasgow Print Studio.

Life drawing is an important additional element and may be offered by the college.

Take a look at some of our previous students' work

Julia - HND Painting and Print Making shares her story.

About Glasgow Clyde College

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Glasgow Clyde College is a further and higher education college, located in Glasgow.

The college offers a broad range of courses across many subject areas, and has three easily accessible campuses in Glasgow at Langside, Cardronald and Anniesland.

With award winning teaching staff, the college is the largest further education provider in Glasgow and has the highest achievement rates in further and education in the area.

Glasgow Clyde College also has excellent links to universities to allow you to progress to degree level.

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Find out more, enquire or book via the Glasgow Clyde College website.