Postgraduate Certificate Sustainability in Agriculture and Business (Distance Learning)

This postgraduate programme will contextualise and critique agricultural systems within the evolving contemporary political and regulatory framework, aiming to equip you with technical and professional knowledge relevant to sustainable a...


Scottish Rural College (SRUC), Scotland
(For price, check with provider)

This course is available on the Scottish Rural College (SRUC) website.


With agriculture accounting for 38% of the global land surface, there is increasing interest in finding sustainable solutions for future agricultural development. Different agricultural production models contribute to a variety of environmental, social and economic goals and aim to limit the trade-offs between productivity and sustainability of land use.

This postgraduate qualification will provide a grounding in sustainable farming systems (e.g. organic farming, agroecology and regenerative agriculture). The programme will provide students with opportunities to develop both production relevant skills in soil, crop and livestock management, and business, communication and entrepreneurship skills, immersing them in real world applications relevant to future employment. The programme taps into the need for sustainable management of land and water resources, supporting biodiversity and working to address societal challenges and will typically be based on one to three years part time online distance learning in a format that offers flexible progression routes from PGCert to PGDip and MSc, thus enabling students in employment and with different life circumstances to achieve their optimum level of award.

Studied over one academic year, the taught PGCert programme comprises four modules, of which two are core and two are elective. Students will acquire specific skills relevant to the subject area and will also develop valuable academic and work-related skills leading to enhanced personal development and employability.

Please note: This course may require you to attend two study weekends a year at our Aberdeen campus 

About Scottish Rural College (SRUC)

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Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) was established in 2012 through the merger of the Scottish Agricultural College (SAC) with Barony, Elmwood and Oatridge Colleges. Through these institutions, we can trace our lineage back over 100 years.

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