Environmental Management in Construction

Synergie Training is one of the leading IT, Construction and Infrastructure Training Companies in the UK.


Synergie Training, UK (Online)
(For price, check with provider)

This course is available on the Synergie Training website.


Online Environmental Management in Construction Training


This course aims to provide project management, risk advisors and health and safety professionals with a background in environmental regulation and planning when considering a project and also when into construction.


Session 1: project development 

This session aims to briefly outline the environment, consenting and social considerations when planning a development, and also what to expect from the planning process. A brief outline, which can be tailored is as follows:

Planning considerations including section 105 contributions, planning conditions and requirements for other    consents such as noise, working in a floodplain and protected species

  • consideration of environmental and social constraints such as location in flood zones or close to residential dwellings
  • ecological survey requirements
  • desk based research tools and resources
  • future proofing your environmental management system and audits
  • requirement for and role of outline management plans (waste, traffic, etc. )


Session 2: pre and during construction 

 The session aims to briefly outline the environmental, consenting, and social considerations when about to start construction and also during construction:

  • site clearance including ecological seasons and restrictions
  • secondary consents which may be required such as drainage, discharge, abstraction, etc.
  • the role of the construction environmental management plan
  • requirement for and role of the environmental clerk of works
  • what to do when finding the unexpected (such as archeology, contamination, human remains, UXO, etc.

About Synergie Training

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Synergie Training is one of the leading IT, Construction and Infrastructure Training Companies in the UK.

Construction & Infrastructure – Synergie Training is recognised throughout the Construction and Civil Engineering sectors in both the UK and Internationally and are Scotland’s leading NEC3/ NEC4, CDM 2015 and Temporary Works Training provider and the UK’s leading CDM Principal Designer training company.

Information Technology – Synergie Training is an authorised Microsoft Academy offering a full range of Applications, High Level Technical Training and Consultancy both in the UK and Internationally. We specialise in Microsoft SCCM training and consultancy and are Scotland’s leading Information Security Training Company.

Synergie Training is an approved CITB, APS and IEMA Accredited Training Centre and holds ISO:9001, ISO: 14001 and OHSAS:45001 quality standard certifications. We are also a Pearson VUE test centre for the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) exams.

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