An Introduction to Polymer Clay Earrings (24 Apr 2025 - 15 May 2025)

This course is suitable for complete beginners. No experiecnce is required, just a creative mindset!Please enrol and pay using the link below.


Borders College, Hawick
(For price, check with provider)

This course is available on the Borders College website.


This course is suitable for complete beginners. No experiecnce is required, just a creative mindset!Please enrol and pay using the link below.


Non-certificated leisure course.


An evening class delivered over 4 weeks, 6.00pm - 8.00pm, Thursday's weekly.


Delivery at our Hawick Campus, TD9 0EH.

Entry requirements

No formal entry requirements, no materials required to be brought by candidate.



Course Content

This course sets out an introduction to creating jewellery with polymer clay. You will learn the basic skills needed to design and make earrings, the process behind creation, and a variety of techniques used to design individual and personalised pieces.

Week 1 will outline the basics as you familiarise yourself with the processes. Looking at colour mixing, factoring the colour wheel in designs, and choice of shape to ceate simplistic pieces. Week 2 will involve looking at creating canes and using translucent clays and inks, as well as creating designs building on knowledge from week 1. Week 3 goes on to develop more fiddly skills such as making hoops and flowers from clay. During the final week 4 session, candidates will asseble the pieces created over the course to create beutiful earrings ready to take home and wear.

Candiates will leave the course with 6 pairs of their very own handmade earrings.

Case Study

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