Electrofusion Welding for District Heating Networks - Broadly comparable to SCQF Level 5

NESCol is the first ever training provider to deliver training for a unique welding method called Two Step Casing, a type of pipe insulation that is


North East Scotland College, Scotland
(For price, check with provider)

This course is available on the North East Scotland College website.


Why take this course?

Created by Swedish company Mittel two step casing involves a sleeve which surrounds pipework used primarily in energy pipelines. The sleeve serves to retain the heat within the pipe network so that it can be redistributed to wherever it is needed. Mittel’s electrofusion technology is one of the world’s most reliable jointing technology for pre-insulated district heating pipes.

NESCol can offer both the full two-day course for those with no previous training and, for those who have had previous experience a one-day refresher course.

What you will experience

This is a practical, hands-on course in the use of electrofusion welding equipment.

About North East Scotland College

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North East Scotland College is the single largest provider of vocational education and training in the North East of Scotland.

We have a course to suit everyone; whether you’re fresh out of school, currently working, returning to education or simply want to try something new – whatever your educational or occupational background, an opportunity awaits at NESCol.

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