Fundamentals of Control Systems & Transducers - SCQF Level 7

Learn about the basic but essential functions of control systems and transducers.


North East Scotland College, Scotland (Online)
(For price, check with provider)

This course is available on the North East Scotland College website.


Why take this course?

This Unit is designed to help candidates understand the basic principles and concepts of Control Systems and Transducers.  A control system consists of a number of components (which can be electrical, mechanical, thermal or hydraulic) that act together to maintain a desired output in a process. Control systems are used extensively in industries like oil refining, electrical generation, chemical processing, and manufacturing and production. Our homes and offices also use control systems to regulate temperature and air conditioning.

The Unit will enable you to develop the necessary knowledge and skills to understand the structure and general behaviour of different types of control systems. Study takes a non-mathematical approach to control systems, and you will learn how to explain control system concepts, use block diagrams to model systems, and use graphical methods to describe their behaviour.

What you will experience

You will begin by learning about types of component parts that make up control systems. You will also learn how information is transferred between the component parts by means of analogue and digital signals. You will discover that the operation of a control system is heavily influenced by its environment, and that the choice of equipment and signal types depend on the location of the system. The need for signal conditioning devices such as filters and amplifiers will be covered.

As you progress, you will learn about different methods of controlling the output of a process. Basic methods such as open loop control will be covered. However, these have limitations and disadvantages. Therefore, you will learn about the need for closed loop control systems which have the facility to measure the output variable being controlled, so as to sense changes and enable corrective action to be taken to ensure system output is maintained at the desired value.

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