BA (Hons) Creative Writing in the Highlands and Islands

The innovative BA (Hons) Creative Writing in the Highlands and Islands is designed to give you a solid grounding in the creative principles, in both form and structure of four of the main areas of creative writing: poetry, prose, playwri...


Moray College, Multiple Locations
(For price, check with provider)

This course is available on the Moray College website.


The innovative BA (Hons) Creative Writing in the Highlands and Islands is designed to give you a solid grounding in the creative principles, in both form and structure of four of the main areas of creative writing: poetry, prose, playwriting and the screenplay. You will be encouraged to explore how these can inform and support other areas of professional writing in gaming, advertising, marketing, vlogs etc. 

You will have the opportunity to present your work using traditional methods as well as using new technologies and publishing platforms. The course aims to place creative disciplines within the cultural, social, political, geographical and historical context of Scotland, and to show how they make the area culturally unique but connect it to the literature, cultural traditions and histories of its geographical neighbours.

You will be encouraged to pursue your individual creativity, along with both the necessary intellectual stimulation and understanding of the professionalism required to be a successful writer in your chosen field.

The degree capitalises on the popularity of books and series set in Scotland and beyond, and will encourage you to realise the potential opportunity these existing and developing markets represent for your work.

SWAP Access courses
If you are eligible to undertake Scottish Wider Access Programmes (SWAP), please visit our SWAP access list for further information on grade profiles and available subjects.

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