British Sign Language - National Unit (SCQF Level 3)

Giving you the basic skills needed to communication using British Sign Language.


North East Scotland College, Scotland
(For price, check with provider)

This course is available on the North East Scotland College website.


Why take this course?

This course will introduce you to British Sign Language, and provide you with a good base knowledge.

What you will experience

You will start to learn to use BSL to for establishing social and business relations, and for communicating information, pleasure and vocational needs in informal and formal, everyday and vocational situations.

Topics and skills include:

  • Exchanging personal information with BSL users
  • Obtaining and providing goods and services
  • How to understand simple presentations in a range of situations

About North East Scotland College

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North East Scotland College is the single largest provider of vocational education and training in the North East of Scotland.

We have a course to suit everyone; whether you’re fresh out of school, currently working, returning to education or simply want to try something new – whatever your educational or occupational background, an opportunity awaits at NESCol.

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