Greenwood ways @ Nairn (13-14th July)

Green woodworking courses. Physical, creative, and relaxing. No prior experience is needed and all tools and material will be provided.


Wooden Tom, Aviemore
(For price, check with provider)

This course is available on the Wooden Tom website.


After a successful first time out running this course back in March 2023, we are delighted to be able to offer it again.

The location for this course will be The Gomde Scotland – Buddhist Retreat Center near Nairn. In a beautiful setting of new mixed woodland, older pine woodland and wetlands.This course is for those interested in learning more about the process of sourcing/felling and cleaving wood the “Greenwoodway”. And will be run my both myself and Aaron Sterritt 

Maybe you are a woodland owner or have access to a woodland? or maybe you would just like to know more about how us as humans can produce many of the things we need sustainably from our local woodlands whilst also benefiting wildlife? Once we understand a little of how a woodland ecosystem works, we can make better decisions on which trees to use and even learn about how our actions within the woodland can increase biodiversity.

We will start the day by felling a tree by hand, you will then be shown the different uses of parts of the tree and how to cut and split down the tree including cleaving the wood for making items for the home and garden. After we have selected and harvested our wood in a way that is sensitive to nature and encourages a reciprocal relationship. We will focus on making using traditional hand tool methods, everyday items such as pots, bowls, cups, spoons, small stools, mallets etc.


Lunch is provided on both days and is included in the price. Accommodation and dinner is also available on site and I would encourage everyone to consider booking to make the most of the experience and enjoy a blether around the fire in the evening and maybe even a spontaneous wood carving session!

To book your place you will be redirected – `Book now

To book on-site accommodation please email –

Prices £25-£45 (including breakfast)

Dinner – £7

About Wooden Tom

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As a way of avoiding the streets of Northern England growing up I found myself at every opportunity escaping the urban jungle and heading for the woods. I would make camps and whittle sticks with borrowed tools from my carpenter grandfather. This all undoubtedly was the start of my addiction!

Ever since, I sought to expand my knowledge by learning from experts in the field but mainly from lots and lots of mistakes!

In 2010 a job brought me to the Scottish Highlands working with the forestry commission where i fell in love with the Cairngorms. One of the defining features in this area are the clean white stems of the Birch trees, and it is with these trees i have my closest connection with carving. I use the wood for making various kitchen utensils although my main passion is making drinking vessels.

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Find out more, enquire or book via the Wooden Tom website.