Highers: General Programme (Level 6)

This one year course covers three SQA Highers in one sitting, to enable you to pursue further study in any arts or humanities area.


Glasgow Clyde College, Glasgow
(For price, check with provider)

This course is available on the Glasgow Clyde College website.


What will I learn?

You will study the following Highers:

  • Higher English
  • Higher History (Langside only)
  • Higher RMPS (Langside only)
  • Higher Psychology (Anniesland only)
  • Higher Sociology (Anniesland only)
  • Guidance tutorials to support you throughout your course

RMPS is brand new to Glasgow Clyde College for this year, and we’re bring in a new Higher to broaden your progression pathways. As well as studying a world religion, you will study philosophy including topics such as ‘Are miracles real’, ‘was the universe and life created’ and study moral issues such as 'war, and alternatives to war', 'weapons of mass destruction', 'organ donation' and end of life moral questions such as 'assisted dying'.

Higher History covers a vast range of topics from Scottish, British and World History including the study around both World War One and World War Two covering social and political issues in Scotland, Britain and Europe.

Higher English equips students with valuable skills applicable across various disciplines and in everyday life, fostering a greater appreciation for literature while providing the tools to articulate ideas effectively. Through the exploration of different texts, the course cultivates critical thinking, communication and literary appreciation whilst sharpening your analytical and writing skills.

At Langside, there may also be the opportunity to study National 5 Applications of Maths, Higher Maths or Higher Human Biology, as an additional subject, but places are limited.

About Glasgow Clyde College

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Glasgow Clyde College is a further and higher education college, located in Glasgow.

The college offers a broad range of courses across many subject areas, and has three easily accessible campuses in Glasgow at Langside, Cardronald and Anniesland.

With award winning teaching staff, the college is the largest further education provider in Glasgow and has the highest achievement rates in further and education in the area.

Glasgow Clyde College also has excellent links to universities to allow you to progress to degree level.

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Find out more, enquire or book via the Glasgow Clyde College website.