Modern Apprenticeship Bricklaying (SCQF Level 6)

Modern Apprenticeships offer anyone aged over 16 paid employment combined with the opportunity to train for jobs across a wide range of sectors.


Moray College, Elgin
(For price, check with provider)

This course is available on the Moray College website.


Modern Apprenticeships offer anyone aged over 16 paid employment combined with the opportunity to train for jobs across a wide range of sectors. They are an exciting way of gaining skills and qualifications that will help to start a career without having to study full time.

All the Modern Apprenticeship frameworks are developed by the appropriate sector skills council in consultation with their industry. Modern Apprenticeship frameworks can also be used as the basis for training more established employees.

Off the job learning usually takes place through colleges or training providers.

Here at UHI Moray we offer a range of Modern Apprenticeships across a range of sectors and work closely with a number of employers within the Highlands and Islands areas.

This SCQF Level 6 (SVQ Level 3) course will provide apprentice bricklayers with specific Trade Training specified by Construction Skills (Construction Industry Training Board).

Applicants must be employed with a construction firm who will sponsor their apprenticeship training.

About Moray College

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With around 6,000 students, our college is a popular choice. Many study part-time and we are proud to be able to offer an extensive choice of courses on a flexible basis so that you can fit your studies around other professional and personal commitments.

We also offer courses at a variety of levels, from NQs, HNCs and HNDs, right up to degrees, Masters and PDAs.

We want to ensure our education provision is open to all, no matter your level of study or geographic location. You can study on campus full- or part time, or from the comfort of your own home or office. If you want to learn, you’ve come to the right place!

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