National 5 Biology

This National 5 Biology evening course will provide students with an in-depth study of National 5 Biology topics, developing the knowledge and skills required to succeed in the exam through a mix of Tutor led teaching tutorial sessions, ...


Glasgow Clyde College, Glasgow
(For price, check with provider)

This course is available on the Glasgow Clyde College website.


What will I learn?

This National 5 Biology course will be delivered on a blended learning basis, with 10% of classes online. Full electronic course notes and practical equipment for labs will be provided.

Units covered include:

Section 1: Cell biology
The key areas covered are:

  • Cell structure
  • Transport across cell membranes
  • DNA and the production of proteins
  • Proteins
  • Ggenetic engineering
  • Respiration

Section 2: Multicellular organisms:
The key areas covered are:

  • Producing new cells
    Control and communication
  • Reproduction
  • Variation and inheritance
  • Transport systems — plants
  • Transport systems — animals
  • Absorption of materials

Section 3: Life on Earth:

The key areas covered are:

  • Ecosystems
  • Distribution of organisms
  • Photosynthesis
  • Energy in ecosystems
  • Food production
  • Evolution of species 

Thinking of joining?

If you'd like a place on this course, you must:

  • Ensure you meet the entry requirements
  • Pay the full fee of £550

Payment options:

  • Pay the full fee of £550
  • Pay in 3 installments via PayPal. Option available at checkout. PayPal account required.
  • There is no funding or fee waiver available for this course.

About Glasgow Clyde College

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Glasgow Clyde College is a further and higher education college, located in Glasgow.

The college offers a broad range of courses across many subject areas, and has three easily accessible campuses in Glasgow at Langside, Cardronald and Anniesland.

With award winning teaching staff, the college is the largest further education provider in Glasgow and has the highest achievement rates in further and education in the area.

Glasgow Clyde College also has excellent links to universities to allow you to progress to degree level.

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Find out more, enquire or book via the Glasgow Clyde College website.

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