Flavours of the World: Authentic Indian Cuisine - Part 2

Taste of India Part 2 is a further exploration of Indian flavours, will cover another variety of curries, pakoras and dip sauces.


North East Scotland College, Scotland
(For price, check with provider)

This course is available on the North East Scotland College website.


Why take this course?

If you completed the Indian cookery (Part 1) course and you enjoyed it but still want to learn more about the Indian culture, this course is for you.

The course will provide you with enhanced knowledge about the spices, the complexity of combining them, creating your own dips, and exploring the part of Kerala region which focuses on their local products of coconut and fish.

What you will experience

You will experience a deeper exploration of spices and how to use them for your own home cooking. We will also cover how you can infuse Indian cultural hints through your everyday cooking and how to gain the most out of your spices and oils.

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