Biology - Entry to Higher (SCQF Level 5)

Explore the science of our natural world in preparation to study at Higher level.


North East Scotland College, Scotland (Online)
(For price, check with provider)

This course is available on the North East Scotland College website.


Why take this course?

This tutor supported Distance Learning course is designed to allow you to progress to study Higher Biology at North East Scotland College.

On this programme you will be given access to interactive online learning materials which will include workbooks, narrated Powerpoints, videos and computer marked self-assessment tests. You will also have access to a tutor via live online sessions on four occasions during the programme.

There will also be an opportunity to submit a tutor-marked assessment to receive detailed personal feedback.

At the end of the unit, you will need to attend North East Scotland College, Aberdeen City Campus to undertake the assessment. This is a written paper of 45 minutes duration. On successful completion of this assessment you will be awarded the SQA unit HT8P 45 Introductory Biology and be eligible to enrol on either the part-time Higher Biology or Higher Human Biology course (places permitting) at North East Scotland College.

What you will experience

You will gain a wide-ranging understanding of biology at SCQF Level 5, covering the following topics:

The structure and function of living cells

In this topic you will learn about the structure and function of animal, plant and microbial cells as well as the processes of diffusion and osmosis and the impacts these have on living cells. Furthermore, you will also learn about the structure and function of proteins and nucleic acids.

Cellular biochemical processes: enzyme activity, respiration and photosynthesis

Here you will be introduced to the concept of respiration as the process by which cells obtain energy from food sources and photosynthesis as the process plants use to obtain energy from sunlight. You will also learn about the chemical reactions that require energy in the cell and discover the features of enzymes that enable them to catalyse these reactions.

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