PDA Education Support Assistance

This PDA Education Support Assistance online course is for those working in an educational setting and helping young people with additional support needs.


Glasgow Clyde College, Glasgow
(For price, check with provider)

This course is available on the Glasgow Clyde College website.


What will I learn?

This PDA Education Support Assistance online course is delivered part-time as an online evening class (two nights per week) over one academic year (August to June).

The PDA Group Award is achieved on the successful attainment of eight credit units.

Six of these units will be delivered within the online evening class and the double credit unit - Developing Professional Practice is linked to your current workplace experience.

  • Development of children and young people in an education setting
  • Supporting the behaviour of children and young people
  • Supporting children and young people who require additional support for learning
  • Protecting and promoting the rights of the child
  • Supporting language, literacy and numeracy in an educational setting
  • Professional practice in an educational setting
  • Developing professional practice in an education setting: workplace experience.

For information on the fees and costs for this course, please use the Course Enquiry button or Course Contact.

About Glasgow Clyde College

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Glasgow Clyde College is a further and higher education college, located in Glasgow.

The college offers a broad range of courses across many subject areas, and has three easily accessible campuses in Glasgow at Langside, Cardronald and Anniesland.

With award winning teaching staff, the college is the largest further education provider in Glasgow and has the highest achievement rates in further and education in the area.

Glasgow Clyde College also has excellent links to universities to allow you to progress to degree level.

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Find out more, enquire or book via the Glasgow Clyde College website.