SVQ Level 3 Parks, Gardens and Green Space

This SVQ Level 3 Parks, Gardens and Green Space course is for those employed in the horticulture or landscape Industry at a supervisory level.


Glasgow Clyde College, Glasgow
(For price, check with provider)

This course is available on the Glasgow Clyde College website.


What will I learn?

In this SVQ Level 3 Parks, Gardens and Green Space course you will learn:

  • Estimate resource requirements and programme work
  • Promote, monitor and maintain health and safety
  • Manage yourself and manage information
  • Identify plants and co-ordinate the control of pests and diseases
  • Monitor and control the growth of plants
  • Co-ordinate the planting of plants and manage planted areas
  • Prepare and construct hard-landscaped areas

About Glasgow Clyde College

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Glasgow Clyde College is a further and higher education college, located in Glasgow.

The college offers a broad range of courses across many subject areas, and has three easily accessible campuses in Glasgow at Langside, Cardronald and Anniesland.

With award winning teaching staff, the college is the largest further education provider in Glasgow and has the highest achievement rates in further and education in the area.

Glasgow Clyde College also has excellent links to universities to allow you to progress to degree level.

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