Human Element Leadership and Management (HELM) - Operational Level

This MCA approved course will develop your awareness and understanding of the key human factors influencing performance on board a vessel at an


North East Scotland College, Peterhead
(For price, check with provider)

This course is available on the North East Scotland College website.


Why take this course?

You will acquire and develop tools and practical skills to apply on board, enhancing the safe operation of the ship and care for all persons on board.

What you will experience

  • Shipboard human resource management
  • International maritime conventions and guidelines
  • Task / workload management
  • Effective communications on board and ashore
  • Cultural aspects and team working principles
  • Assertiveness, leadership and motivation principles
  • Understanding, developing and maintaining situational awareness:
  • The influences of situation and risk assessment
  • Identify and manage fatigue and stress
  • Shipboard training and continuous professional development

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