Forest and Outdoor Learning Award Level 5

An introduction to Forest and Outdoor Learning Award.


Mike Brady, Kilmarnock (A mix of both online and in-person sessions)
(For price, check with provider)

Enquire via the Mike Brady website.


During this course you'll become familiar with using the outdoors in a way that fits with the Forest School ethos. It will give you a good grounding in understanding Forest School abd becoming comfortable being out in the woods.

About Mike Brady

I work as a director and associate trainer with the Forest School Training Collaborative. I've been delivering Forest School and outdoor learning training for over 15 years.

See more courses from Mike Brady



Blended Learning

A mix of both online and in-person sessions.




  • Lots of Hands On
  • Some Reading & Writing
  • Some Watching
  • Some Listening
  • Lots of Socialising

Find out more, enquire or book via the Mike Brady website.