Floating Offshore Structures

Synergie Training is one of the leading IT, Construction and Infrastructure Training Companies in the UK.


Synergie Training, UK (Online)
(For price, check with provider)

This course is available on the Synergie Training website.


Online Floating Offshore Structures Training


The development of offshore industry commenced with the use of fixed structures.
As development accelerated with the discovery of oil & gas in deeper waters, the
use of floating structures became commonplace. Floating renewable energy
devices may also become commonplace in deeper water. The primary concepts
considered are FPSOs, semi-submersibles, TLPs and Spars. Other concepts which may
be used as alternatives or in conjunction with floating systems are jackets and compliant
towers. This course introduces different tools which are required to assess the rigidbody and structural response of the concepts due to various loadings which a structure will encounter during its lifetime.


Engineers and scientists involved in the design of floating offshore structures or
entering the offshore structures industry. Personnel from oil and wind energy
companies, classification societies and offshore structure fabricators, clients
commissioning design and analysis work and students on specialist offshore
engineering courses will benefit from attending this course. The course is
innovative with a careful balance of theory, practice and worked examples.


Day 1

09. 00 – 10. 30 Lecture 1: Linear and linear random wave theory
10. 30 – 10. 45 Break
10. 45 – 12. 15 Lecture 2: Diffraction- Radiation Analysis
12. 15 -12. 45 Lunch
12. 45 -14. 15 Lecture 3: Floating structure motion calculation
14. 15 – 14. 30 Break
14. 30 – 16. 00 Lecture 4: Examples: Part-1

Day 2

09. 00 – 10. 30 Lecture 5: Local pressure, hull girder bending,
bracing forces
10. 30- 10. 45 Break
10. 45 – 12. 15 Lecture 6: Wave slam and slap
12. 15- 12. 45 Lunch
12. 45 – 14. 15 Lecture 7: Fatigue and strength assessment
14. 15- 14. 30 Break
14. 30 – 16.

About Synergie Training

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Synergie Training is one of the leading IT, Construction and Infrastructure Training Companies in the UK.

Construction & Infrastructure – Synergie Training is recognised throughout the Construction and Civil Engineering sectors in both the UK and Internationally and are Scotland’s leading NEC3/ NEC4, CDM 2015 and Temporary Works Training provider and the UK’s leading CDM Principal Designer training company.

Information Technology – Synergie Training is an authorised Microsoft Academy offering a full range of Applications, High Level Technical Training and Consultancy both in the UK and Internationally. We specialise in Microsoft SCCM training and consultancy and are Scotland’s leading Information Security Training Company.

Synergie Training is an approved CITB, APS and IEMA Accredited Training Centre and holds ISO:9001, ISO: 14001 and OHSAS:45001 quality standard certifications. We are also a Pearson VUE test centre for the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) exams.

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