English - Higher (SCQF Level 6)

Specifically designed to develop your reading, writing, speaking and listening skills while you immerse yourself in literature.


North East Scotland College, Scotland
(For price, check with provider)

This course is available on the North East Scotland College website.


Why take this course?

Study the great works of English writing from various cultures. Develop an understanding of the complexities of language and high levels of analytical thinking by studying a wide range of texts. This course enables learners to communicate, be critical thinkers, develop cultural awareness and be creative.

What you will experience

The course will provide you with the opportunity to use creative and critical thinking to synthesise ideas and arguments, to develop critical literacy skills, personal, interpersonal and team-working skills, and independent learning, and to enhance your enjoyment and their understanding of your own and other cultures. The course fosters an appreciation of language awareness and of a wide range of literature and texts.

The Analysis and Evaluation unit concentrates on developing your understanding and critical appreciation of literature, language and media. The unit will focus on the development of your skills needed to understand, analyse and evaluate detailed and complex texts.

The Creation and Production unit focuses on developing your talking and writing skills to create and produce detailed texts in a chosen context. You will develop the skills needed to create and produce detailed and complex language in both written and oral forms.

The course is assessed by the development of a creative portfolio of two essays: a discursive/persuasive essay on an issue; and a personal reflective or creative essay in which you will demonstrate creative writing skills. There is an exam in which you will sit two papers. The first will test the skills developed in language and literary study units (understanding, analysis and evaluation); the second will require you to answer questions on a Scottish text that you have studied in class and to write a critical essay on a text from another genre of literature that you have studied.

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