Wood decay and hazard assessment of trees using PICUS

This is the first UK short course CPD to provide bespoke continuing professional development in wood decay and assessment of tree hazards, supporting those working in the forestry, agriculture and land management sectors.


Scotland's Rural College, Dumfries

Enquire via the Scotland's Rural College website.


Skills in the following areas, to support wood decay and hazard assessment of trees Background to wood anatomy and tree-fungal associations and the CODIT model – ecological importance of decay fungi balanced with risk mitigation and tree retention Introduction to the use of the light microscope for wood cell wall structure in absence and presence of decay and modes of action of different decay fungi An understanding of fungal decay under the microscope in relation to tree hazard assessment Introduction to picus tomography and resistograph and identifying trees that require further examination using invasive and non-invasive techniques The use of decay detecting devices (picus and resistograph) and interpretation of results Decision making processes and evidence supported decisions based on a deep understanding of tree decay processes at both micro-and-macro levels 3 day course at SRUC, Barony campus, Dumfries

About Scotland's Rural College

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It's not just agriculture and farming - at Scotland's Rural College (SRUC) we offer learning and expertise to support the natural economy and meet the global challenges of tomorrow. From vocational training and CPD to postgraduate qualifications, our course offerings cover everything from agriculture to zoonoses & epidemiology -and a world of options in between.

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Future Foresters Training Fund

Future Foresters Training Fund

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Women in Forestry Training Fund

Women in Forestry Training Fund

The Women in Forestry Practical Training Fund, was established by Scottish Forestry to support the personal development of women, providing them with additional skills to progress their careers and employment opportunities in forestry beyond their current role. With the support of Future Woodlands Scotland we are delighted to be able to reopen for applications.



You will need to travel to the course location.




  • Some Hands On
  • Some Reading & Writing
  • Some Watching
  • Some Listening
  • Some Socialising

Find out more, enquire or book via the Scotland's Rural College website.